Divorce Agreements and Enforcing Visitation

Once you have completed the divorce process and the final decree has been issued, all parties are obligated to adhere to its terms and conditions, unless they are modified later on. Unfortunately, some ex-spouses do not live up to their end of the agreement. One of the most common issues where there is frequently conflict between ex-spouses is with child custody and visitation. When the original parenting plan is Read More

Divorced Parents Paying for College in South Carolina

Over the last decade, the South Carolina Supreme Court has changed course several times regarding its rulings on the obligation of parents to pay college tuition for their children after a divorce. Initially, the Court ruled that it could be required.  That was reversed in Webb v. Sowell (2010), the Court ruling that compelling parents to pay college tuition for adult children only when they were legally separated, Read More

Adultery and Divorce

South Carolina defines adultery as a person having sexual relations with someone who is not his or her legal spouse. Because South Carolina is a “fault” state when it comes to divorce, the person whose spouse had an affair with someone else can allege and then set out to prove the unfaithfulness as a basis to obtain a divorce. It is just one of several types of bad conduct that can work against a spouse in divorce Read More

How To Adopt A Child in South Carolina

Some of the happiest moments in South Carolina's family courts take place when a judge finalizes an adoption. While some adoptions can be simple, such as when a stepparent or grandparent adopts their stepchild or grandchild and all parties consent, others are more complicated. When parental rights must be terminated, or there are matters involving out of state or international adoptions, it helps to know as much Read More